Updates & Announcements

Friends of Kelden Waltjen Friends of Kelden Waltjen

Vote411: Hawai‘i County Prosecutor Q&A


The League of Women Voters compiled a list of candidate information, which is customized based on your district.  An excerpt from my Q&A is included below. You can check out my full Q&A at Vote411.org. ⁣⁣


Question: What program and policies would you implement as Prosecuting Attorney to reduce crime and increase public safety in the county? ⁣⁣

Answer: 1. Coordinate joint task forces with law enforcement to focus on growing concerns, such as drug distribution, domestic violence, human trafficking, prison gangs, property crimes, ag theft, and illegal firearms; 2. Enhance the use and integration of services for high-risk individuals, such as drug and mental health treatment, parenting and juvenile education, and reintegration; 3. Rejuvenate community prosecution through coordination with the Crime Prevention and Justice Assistance Group; 4. Increase prosecutorial transparency and accountability; 5. Prioritize training and coordination with law enforcement and service providers; and 6. Create a Prosecutor’s office social media to provide regular updates and information to the community.⁣⁣

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Friends of Kelden Waltjen Friends of Kelden Waltjen

Honolulu Star-Advertiser: Hawai‘i County Prosecutor Q&A


Please remember to vote in the Hawai‘i County Prosecutor’s race. Here is an excerpt from a recent survey done by the Honolulu Star-Advertiser. You can check out my full Q&A in the link below.⁣


Question: Given the budget constraints of county government, are there certain crimes you would prioritize or de-prioritize in terms of prosecution?⁣

Answer: I will prioritize the prosecution of serious and violent offenses, including homicides, sexual assault, domestic violence, and crimes against children and the elderly, repeat offenders, and dangerous narcotics dealers because they have the most widespread negative effects on our community. I would de-prioritize the simple possession of personal use amounts of marijuana.

Link: https://www.staradvertiser.com/2020/07/17/election/2020-election-kelden-braun-akoni-waltjen/

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Friends of Kelden Waltjen Friends of Kelden Waltjen

Honolulu Civil Beat: Hawai‘i County Prosecutor Q&A

Civil Beat.png

This year’s election is an important one.  Mahalo to Honolulu Civil Beat for the opportunity to share my plans with our community.  Here is an except of my Q&A. You can check out the full Q&A in the link below.


Question: Native Hawaiians are disproportionately represented in the criminal justice system. What would you do to address racism and discriminatory treatment in law enforcement?

Answer: As part-Hawaiian, I am aware of the historical inequalities and injustices that Native Hawaiians and other people of color have faced over the years. I also recognize that there are a disproportionate number of Native Hawaiians in the criminal justice system. This requires our government, including all law enforcement agencies, to come together to address the issue of racism and inequality.

We need to evaluate our guidelines and processes to provide for the fair treatment of all, including defendants, witnesses and victims. This requires awareness and education in historical inequalities and injustices within the wider justice system and a continued vigilance toward true equal application of the criminal justice system. In order to address the root causes of inequality and injustices, we also need to provide more opportunities, assistance and services for Native Hawaiians and people of color. As part of my administration, I will provide all prosecuting attorneys within the Prosecutor’s Office with continuing education and training regarding racism and implicit biases and work with them to make sure they are knowledgeable about all sentencing options, including alternatives to incarceration, such as jail diversion programs, specialty courts and restorative justice.

Link: https://www.civilbeat.org/2020/06/candidate-qa-hawaii-county-prosecutor-kelden-waltjen/

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Friends of Kelden Waltjen Friends of Kelden Waltjen

Restoring Faith in the Criminal Justice System


The entire world watched—horrified—as George Floyd was killed a few weeks ago. As a prosecutor, I know that Mr. Floyd’s family and communities across the country deserve answers and that justice needs to be served. But this should be done in a safe and non-violent manner, and should not put our law enforcement officers and others in danger. More innocent lives and property should not be destroyed in this process. ⁣

My wife’s grandmother, Jean Yamada, collected a lot of artwork over the years. When she passed away, I was given a statue of Lady Justice as a piece to remember her by. No matter how hard we looked, we could not find the scales of justice that came with the statue. We believe they got lost over the years.

Lady Justice is often seen as a symbol of fair and equal administration of the law, without corruption, favor, greed or prejudice. Her blindfolds represent that justice is objective, without bias. The scales symbolize fairness and the weight of the evidence. Just as Lady Justice needs her scales restored, I believe we need to come together as a community and work hard to restore the people’s faith in our criminal justice system. ⁣⚖️ ⁣

#JusticeforGeorgeFloyd #Equality #ScalesofJustice #MissingScalesofJustice #RestoreFaith #JusticeforAll

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Friends of Kelden Waltjen Friends of Kelden Waltjen

Domestic Violence during COVID-19


One of my goals as a prosecutor is to increase awareness about the types of services offered in our community and help connect individuals in need with service providers. If you or someone you know is a victim of domestic violence, please know that help is still available. For example, the Domestic Violence Action Center (DVAC) continues to help victims during COVID-19, and they have added 24-hour chat and text hotline options to provide victims a way to get help 24/7.⁣⁣ ⁣⁣


-Helpline: (808) 531-3771
-Toll-free Helpline: (800) 690-6200
-Text: (605) 956-5680
-Online Chat: https://domesticviolenceactioncenter.org/⁣⁣

#COVID19Resources #DomesticViolence #KeldenforProsecutor #DVAC

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Friends of Kelden Waltjen Friends of Kelden Waltjen

National Prevention Week


This week is National Prevention Week. Please join me in spreading the word and raising awareness about the importance of substance use prevention and maintaining positive mental health. Here are the daily themes for this week.

The three primary goals of National Prevention Week are to:

  1. Involve communities in raising awareness of substance use and mental health issues and in implementing prevention strategies, and showcasing effectiveness of evidence-based prevention programs;

  2. Foster partnerships and collaborations with federal agencies and national organizations dedicated to improving public health; and

  3. Promote and disseminate quality substance use prevention and mental health promotion resources and publications.

The daily themes this year are:

  • Monday, May 11: Preventing Prescription Drug and Opioid Misuse

  • Tuesday, May 12: Preventing Underage Drinking and Alcohol Misuse

  • Wednesday, May 13: Preventing Illicit Drug Use and Youth Marijuana Use

  • Thursday, May 14: Preventing Youth Tobacco Use (E-Cigarettes and Vaping)

  • Friday, May 15: Preventing Suicide

For more information regarding National Prevention Week, please visit https://www.samhsa.gov/prevention-week.

#NPW #NationalPreventionWeek

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Friends of Kelden Waltjen Friends of Kelden Waltjen

April 29: Denim Day


Wednesday, April 29th is Denim Day. 👖⁣

Please spread the word. Take a photo wearing jeans or denim tomorrow to stand up against sexual assault violence and victim blaming.⁣


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Friends of Kelden Waltjen Friends of Kelden Waltjen

COVID-19 Emergency Rule No. 3


On April 21st, Mayor Harry Kim issued Emergency Rule No. 3, which imposes additional guidelines and clarifications to the Governor's recent supplementary proclamation. This new rule for Hawai‘i County mandates face masks or coverings for "all customers, who are five (5) years old and older and all employees, who have any contact with other employees, customers, or goods to be purchased." The additional restrictions apply to the following essential businesses and operations:

-Stores that sell groceries and medicine;
-Gas stations and businesses needed for transportation;
-Financial institutions;
-Hardware and supply stores;
-Laundry services;
-Supplies for essential businesses and operations.

Changes under this rule include the requirement that sanitizing stations be available at each entrance and that customers sanitize their hands upon entry. Businesses are also to implement and maintain controls to discourage hoarding of essential supplies, and establish internal controls to ensure social distancing is being maintained throughout the establishment.

More details can be found on the Hawai‘i County website:  Here

#COVID19 #EmergencyRules

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Friends of Kelden Waltjen Friends of Kelden Waltjen

Victims’ Rights Week


This week is Victims' Rights Week.

The Hawai‘i County Office of the Prosecuting Attorney normally holds events each year during this time in recognition of victims' rights. Although we cannot hold in-person events this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, I wanted to share some information from the Victim/Witness Counselors in our Office:

“In 1981, President Ronald Reagan proclaimed the first National Crime Victims' Rights Week to acknowledge the abuse and trauma that victims of crimes often experience, and to recognize the tireless work of dedicated advocates who have taken up the cause of supporting crime victims across our country.” See whitehouse.gov.

The Prosecutors and Victim/Witness Counselors in our Office continue to work with victims in criminal cases. We often come into a victim’s life when they are at their most vulnerable. We see firsthand how the effects of crime and the trauma incurred by victims often last well beyond the day of the incident—for many it lasts a lifetime.

Now, we are seeing offenders who were given due process and properly sentenced being released early despite our Office's objections. We are also seeing offenders being released only to commit another crime shortly after release. It can be an especially anxious time for victims of crime. It is important during these times that we remember to keep the victims in mind and ensure that justice is being served.

#COVID19 #VictimsRightsWeek #VictimsRight

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Friends of Kelden Waltjen Friends of Kelden Waltjen

Jails: Inmate Release


The Hawaii Supreme Court issued an interim order yesterday regarding the release of inmates. Under the order, a motion to release an inmate must be filed by this upcoming Monday, and prosecutors will only be allowed 3 business days to file an objection. However, the order provides that the "[r]elease shall be presumed, unless the court finds that the release of the inmate would pose a significant risk to the safety of the inmate or the public."

In addition to dealing with the influx of cases, prosecutors will now be bogged down responding to countless motions to release inmates. While certain conditions will be imposed, a "verified residence" for an inmate will only be required on a case-by-case basis.

#COVID19 #VictimsRights #PublicSafety #KeepHawaiiSafe

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