Restoring Faith in the Criminal Justice System
The entire world watched—horrified—as George Floyd was killed a few weeks ago. As a prosecutor, I know that Mr. Floyd’s family and communities across the country deserve answers and that justice needs to be served. But this should be done in a safe and non-violent manner, and should not put our law enforcement officers and others in danger. More innocent lives and property should not be destroyed in this process.
My wife’s grandmother, Jean Yamada, collected a lot of artwork over the years. When she passed away, I was given a statue of Lady Justice as a piece to remember her by. No matter how hard we looked, we could not find the scales of justice that came with the statue. We believe they got lost over the years.
Lady Justice is often seen as a symbol of fair and equal administration of the law, without corruption, favor, greed or prejudice. Her blindfolds represent that justice is objective, without bias. The scales symbolize fairness and the weight of the evidence. Just as Lady Justice needs her scales restored, I believe we need to come together as a community and work hard to restore the people’s faith in our criminal justice system. ⚖️
#JusticeforGeorgeFloyd #Equality #ScalesofJustice #MissingScalesofJustice #RestoreFaith #JusticeforAll