
Why I’m Running

Being born and raised on Hawai‘i Island, I always hoped to have the opportunity to serve the community that I love.  From a young age, my parents stressed the importance of commitment, integrity, and respect through public service.  I sought higher education with the ultimate goal of returning home to make Hawai‘i Island a better place.  

I have served as the Prosecuting Attorney for Hawai‘i County since December 2020. Prior to this, I served as a Deputy Prosecuting Attorney for Hawai‘i County for eight years. I have seen firsthand how crime, drugs, and violence can leave a devastating impact upon a person, family, and community. As a Prosecutor, I have fought for justice, held offenders accountable for their actions, and provided victims with a voice. 

The people of Hawai‘i County must trust that the criminal justice system is working for their safety and security.  I will continue to prioritize the safety and well-being of our community. We must continue to focus our efforts on addressing the root causes of crime, such as mental health, substance addiction, and reaching at-risk youth and disadvantaged communities.  I believe that by applying a multifaceted approach in (1) identifying and seeking stiffer penalties for serious, violent, and repeat offenders and those who distribute dangerous narcotics (such as methamphetamine, heroin and fentanyl), (2) promoting rehabilitation and treatment for those suffering from addiction and mental illness, and (3) utilizing available resources toward prevention, education, and reintegration, we can reduce crime in Hawai‘i County.

Effective and just prosecution requires multiagency collaboration and community involvement. I have built strong partnerships with various law enforcement agencies and government officials on the County, State, and Federal levels, as well as with local community-based groups and individuals. As the Prosecuting Attorney, I have improved our office’s policies, procedures and programs to make our office more efficient and increased coordination, training, and response between our office and law enforcement agencies. Since being elected, I have also focused on enhancing the lines of communication between law enforcement and our community, and work with leaders and members of our community to address concerns and implement positive changes to restore the public’s trust in our criminal justice system. This includes working in collaboration with our State and County representatives to push for changes in our laws that will better protect our community. Productive collaboration with community members and law enforcement will focus resources in the right places and allow our office to better address concerns in our community.

As the Prosecuting Attorney, I will continue to work hard and fight for justice. I am dedicated, innovative and committed to embracing our community’s concerns. Let’s continue to move forward together to make Hawai‘i Island a better and safer place.  I humbly ask for your continued support.  

Kelden Waltjen