Justice in
Upholding the
Rule of Law
As the Prosecutor for Hawai‘i County, my duties are to seek justice, protect the public interest, and uphold the rule of law.
Prioritizing Community Safety
I will continue to prioritize the safety and well-being of our community by identifying and seeking stiffer penalties for dangerous, serious, and repeat offenders, including those that commit violent offenses and property crimes.
Addressing Root Causes of Crime
In order to address the root causes of crime, I will continue to identify and hold illegal narcotics distributors accountable for their actions, support early juvenile intervention and reentry of offenders transitioning back into society, and facilitate treatment for those suffering from substance abuse and mental illness.
Utilizing and Improving Multiagency Collaboration
Successful prosecution requires multiagency collaboration. I have built strong partnerships with various law enforcement agencies and will continue to promote and improve coordination, training, and response from our office, our County, State, and Federal law enforcement agencies.
Restoring Public Trust in the Criminal Justice System
As Prosecutor, I have worked to enhance the lines of communication between law enforcement and our community, and work with leaders and members of our community to address concerns and enact positive change in our criminal justice system.
I have dedicated my career to being a public servant for Hawai‘i County, and it is an honor to be able to protect our community as its Prosecutor.
What it means to be a Public Servant
A little background about Kelden and what it means to him to be a public servant.